Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Clearly I'm the worst

at blogging. But I'd planned to post on Tuesdays and now have softball that night. So instead look for new posts every Wednesday, starting tomorrow. Text me if you don't see it, readers.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

On Bridget Jones and procrastination

Y'all. I am struggling.

For the past two nights (just kidding really like the past month) I have been trying to write this cover story about hospitals and money and all sorts of stuff, and I just cannot. It's gotten so bad that I can't even think of anything to blog about - OH NO BRIDGET'S FACE IS SO RED AND MESSED UP.

Yes, perhaps part of the issue to this point with getting any work done has been my decision to watch Bridget Jones' Diary last night followed by its sequel tonight. Although I've yet to see the sequel - I'm actually enjoying it thus far - I generally think of the first one much like I do Twizzlers or Gobstoppers. I'm never like, "Oh my god, I need to watch Bridget Jones!"

So, to you, my two readers who have not seen this film, watch it so we can talk about it. And that's it, I have nothing to say even in blog form because this cover story is bringing me down so much.

Also readers, leave some suggestions for pop culture things you'd like me to blog about in the comments. Love you all, and life is misery.